
I offer both short-term counselling, which can provide support during a difficult time or help in dealing with a single issue, and psychotherapy which is generally longer-term and focuses on deeper understanding, change and growth. You may be seeking help because of a painful life experience – perhaps a conflict, a loss or a relationship difficulty. You may be experiencing feelings you don’t understand or that seem out of balance – whether anger, sadness, anxiety or numbness. Maybe your physical health is being affected by your emotions. Perhaps you just feel you could be getting more from life or are simply curious to embark on a journey of greater self-understanding.

While I usually suggest meeting weekly for a few sessions to get started, I’m flexible as to how frequently sessions take place.

Individual sessions last 50 minutes and are £70 per session.

What to expect

Every person is different and your journey will be your own. However, sessions will often involve:

  • taking time to talk through the experiences or difficulties that have led you to seek psychotherapy,

  • recognising and exploring emotions that may have been buried, feel overwhelming, or are painful to express, for example anger, grief or fear,

  • making more sense of these feelings and what they mean for you,

  • Identifying patterns in how you respond to your feelings and recognising how well or not these serve you,

  • understanding the historical influences that will have formed these patterns,

  • learning to be more attentive to your innate wisdom and vitality,

  • growing self-kindness, confidence, personal authority and self-belief,

  • helping you to experiment with and grow satisfying responses to life’s events and challenges,

  • acknowledging that growth and change can also involve loss, grief and letting go,

  • welcoming and celebrating changes and new healthy experiences.

Interested? If you’d like more information I offer a free 20 minute conversation to talk through what you’re looking for and how I work.

Psychotherapy for artists

With a background in the arts, and as a practising painter, I specialise in working with artists and other creative practitioners who want to increase confidence, productivity, authenticity, depth and joy in their practice.  I also work with arts partnerships / collaborations where emotional and / or relational difficulties are hindering creative flow.

Find out more at